Case from practice

Case from practice

AUTHORS : Pechenina E.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : LLC “Center for Energy Information Medicine”, Samara, Russia
YEAR : 2008


Patient R.E.A., 42 years old. She turned to CEIM with complaints of a feeling of suffocation in the neck, “lack of air” during excitement, nasal congestion, scanty
mucous discharge from the nose, “sore throat”, laryngeal edema, appearing at the end of August every year for 10-12 years, general weakness, disturbed sleep. She
was examined by an allergist, allergens were identified by the method of incisions, and subsequently she received symptomatic treatment.
When examining by the method of vegetative resonance test on the “IMEDIS” equipment, the presence of a mental load of 4 cu was determined, which
affects the thyroid gland, mammary glands, gallbladder



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