Conflict of programs as a diagnostic and therapeutic factor

Conflict of programs as a diagnostic and therapeutic factor

AUTHORS : Bobrov I.A. | Mkhitaryan K.N. 

YEAR : 2008


In recent years, within the framework of bioresonance therapy, methods that are designed, in fact, to make adjustments to the work of patient programs, have
become increasingly important. This can apply to both programs of biological functioning and social realization of the individual [2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10].
For this purpose, the patient’s body is presented with samples of either evolutionary programs or models of social programs and behavior. That is
accompanied by attempts of various forms of adaptation, both of the patient to the program, and of the program to the patient. Nevertheless, it is not uncommon for
a patient to experience various reactions in the course of therapy with the use of
information drugs based on such programs



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