The influence of interior items on a person on the example of art works

The influence of interior items on a person on the example of art works

AUTHORS : Shornikovone A.V. | Shornikovaone E.N. | Yurik2 O.G. | Shevchenko3 N.R.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : oneLLC “KITTInteriorS”, 2School of watercolors S. Andriyaka, 3Center “IMEDIS” Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2008


From the history of mankind and from everyday practice, we know for certain that absolutely all the objects that make up the interior have an impact on
the person who is in it. For many years we have been using the devices of the IMEDIS Center to assess the influence of interior components and receive interesting information about how the physical and psycho-emotional state of a person changes in different interiors and in direct contact with various objects that are decorative elements of the interior, such as vases , paintings, souvenirs, etc.



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