A case of successful treatment of rheumatoid arthritis by the BRT method

A case of successful treatment of rheumatoid arthritis by the BRT method

AUTHORS : Pogosov V.Yu. | Bessarabov O.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Treatment and Diagnostic Center “Medicine of the Future”, Kaliningrad, Russia
YEAR : 2008


Patient S., 28 years old, married, has 2 children, complained of pain, stiffness and deformation of the joints of the hands and feet, stitching pains in the heart,
headache. From the anamnesis, he has been sick for about 7 years. Was repeatedly treated with a diagnosis
rheumatoid arthritis according to the standard scheme with the use of antibiotics of the penicillin series, brufen, voltaren, and in the last 3 years and steroid
hormones. As a rule, after a short-term improvement, the state of health deteriorated even more. The disease progressed. The patient was admitted to our
clinic in November 2007 in a state of exacerbation.



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