Some results of the application of the method of identifying persons who use drugs at the collection points of military commissariats subjects of the Russian Federation

Some results of the application of the method of identifying persons who use drugs at the collection points of military commissariats subjects of the Russian Federation

AUTHORS : Kulikov V.V. | Stolyarov G.B.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Central Exhibition Complex of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2008


more and more urgent every year. The need for a barrier to their proliferation in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from among
citizens preparing to perform military service duties is no less relevant, but rather more relevant than among the civilian strata of the population. It is no coincidence that the decision of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on the issue of “On the drug situation in the Russian Federation and measures to combat drug trafficking and drug abuse” dated July 6, 1999,


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