Approaches to correcting a human condition, taking into account the dynamics of immune processes and frequency wave characteristics of the body

Approaches to correcting a human condition, taking into account the dynamics of immune processes and frequency wave characteristics of the body

AUTHORS :  Kuznetsova L.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Federal Scientific Clinical and Experimental Center for Traditional Diagnostic Methods and
treatment of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Institute of Homeopathy and Naturotherapy, Moscow
YEAR : 2007


The ecology and man-made environment make the modern man more demanding, make it necessary to maintain the functional capabilities of his body [6]. Therefore, the study of stress; the main ways of damage to the body; research on the regulation of body functions; research into resistance and adaptation down to the cellular level has a long history. However, for a modern man and a man of the future, the real possibility of extreme impacts does not diminish. Even new extreme factors are emerging. A sharp change in the structure and quality of food, the appearance on the market of thousands of new food products and technologies, medicines and biologically active food additives could not but lead to a significant change and tension of the body’s adaptive mechanisms.



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