The use of the KMH marker for the individualization of the selection of homeopathic preparations, autonosodes, OBR and BPS preparations

The use of the KMH marker for the individualization of the selection of homeopathic preparations, autonosodes, OBR and BPS preparations

AUTHORS :  Brichuk V.A. |  Koritsky O. V. |  Koritsky Yu.V. |  Mkhitaryan K.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : PE “Medicor-2”, Vinnitsa, Ukraine
YEAR : 2007


Introduction. Formulation of the problem For the period from the beginning of 2005 to 2007. 630 patients underwent treatment
by methods of energy-informational therapy on the basis of the private enterprise “Medicor-2”. The patients were with various diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and nervous systems predominated.
The therapy was carried out on the devices of the Center “IMEDIS”: “MINIEKSPERT-DT (with extended functions), the device” IMEDIS-BRT-A “and the
Medication selector. Throughout 2005 (until June 2006), in the course of therapy, patients were
– OBR and BSR- preparations




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