Experience in identifying persons using narcotic and toxic substances from among the military in a military hospital in the city. Mozdok SKVO

Experience in identifying persons using narcotic and toxic substances from among the military in a military hospital in the city. Mozdok SKVO

AUTHORS :  Botieva IN AND. |  Botieva T.T.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Military Hospital of Mozdok, Russia
YEAR : 2007


In connection with the decision of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on the issue of “On the drug situation in the Russian Federation and
measures to counter illicit drug trafficking and drug abuse from 06.07.1999”; the instructions of the Main Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of
the Russian Federation to identify persons who use drugs using modern express diagnostic tools on a hardware-software complex using the method of vegetative
resonance test (VRT) “IMEDIS-TEST”. According to the above, a hardware-software complex was allocated to the military hospital in the city of Mozdok, which allows
using the ART methods “IMEDIS-TEST” to determine the fact of use, the type of narcotic substance, the timing and frequency of their intake.



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