New possibilities for optimizing the diagnosis and treatment of autonomic dysfunction syndromes in patients affected by radiation disasters

New possibilities for optimizing the diagnosis and treatment of autonomic dysfunction syndromes in patients affected by radiation disasters

AUTHORS :  Sorkin V.V.|  Osmolovsky S.K.|  Gypsy V.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov, MC “Radomila”, St.
Petersburg, Russia
YEAR : 2007


Syndromes vegetative
form representing
dysfunctions or
by myself
vegetoses – This
supranosological broad group
“Functional” diseases with varying degrees of severity of genetically determined dysregulation of the mutual influences of the central nervous, autonomic nervous,
hormonal and immune systems, arising under the influence of stress and leading to a violation of the autonomic support of the functioning of various effector
systems of the body (cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and others) in maintaining homeostasis. The consequence of the above dysregulation is the
development of such diseases as vegetative-vascular dystonia, borderline arterial hypertension as the debut of hypertension, the preclinical stage of coronary heart
disease, respiratory vegetosis (hyperventilation syndrome), extrahepatic biliary tract vegetation (biliary dyskinesia), gastrointestinal gastrointestinal disorders
( intestinal tract,



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