Results of Successful Elimination of HBV from the Body of Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B by Bioresonance Therapy

Results of Successful Elimination of HBV from the Body of Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B by Bioresonance Therapy

AUTHORS :  Dudoladov V.V.|  Sobotovich S.L.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES :  Marine State University named after G.I. Nevelskoy, LPC
SYNERGY, Vladivostok, Russia
YEAR : 2007


Viral hepatitis B is a chronic, long-term infection that is difficult to treat. The patient’s body is slowly parting with the pathogen, and even against the
background of complete clinical recovery, it often remains with the patient, transferring him to the state of a virus carrier. This creates a threat of a possible
relapse of hepatitis B. In addition, the presence of HBV in the body is a prerequisite for the accumulation of other viruses that also affect the liver. It creates favorable
conditions for them by transferring some of its structural elements. Therefore, for the interpretation and assessment of the results of treatment of a patient with
hepatitis B, it is very important not only his clinical recovery, but also complete release from the pathogen.



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