Investigation of the bactericidal action of inverted intrinsic fluctuations of periodontal pathogenic flora

Investigation of the bactericidal action of inverted intrinsic fluctuations of periodontal pathogenic flora

AUTHORS : Islamov  B.I. |  Volodin S.V. |  Karpeev A.A. |  Nosik A.S. | Meizerov E.E.  |

Gotovsky M.Yu.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Federal Scientific Clinical and Experimental Center for Traditional Methods of
Diagnostics and Treatment of Roszdrav, Moscow, Institute of Theoretical and
Experimental Biophysics RAS, Pushchino, Moscow State
University of Medicine and Dentistry, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2007


Periodontal disease is one of the most difficult problems in dentistry. The periodontium is constantly at the center of research; it is a complex of tissues that
have a genetic and functional commonality: the gum with the periosteum, periodontium, alveolar bone and tooth tissue. The object of the study is interesting
in that pathological processes occur in it for several years with exacerbations and remissions. Based on the analysis of WHO (World Health Organization) data collected in 35
countries, in persons aged 31-44 years old in 7 countries it was noted very high (over 75%), in 13 countries – high (40 – 75%) and 15 countries – moderate (less than 40%) prevalence of periodontal disease; in the structure of which inflammatory-



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