Psychological stress as the root cause of various diseases

Psychological stress as the root cause of various diseases

AUTHORS :  Avanesovaone E.G. |  Avanesova2 T.S.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : oneCenter “IMEDIS”, 2Manual therapy center, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2007


The results of 10 years of work with patients with various clinical pathologies (adults and children of different ages) using both the method of the vegetative resonance test
(ART) “IMEDIS-TEST” in the diagnostic process, and bioresonance therapy during the complex treatment indicate that psychological stress is one of the leading factors in the
occurrence and unfavorable development of most diseases. The frequency of detection by the ART method “IMEDIS-TEST” of psychological stress in various pathologies is presented in tables 1 and 2.



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