Resonance therapy using resonant frequencies, corresponding to musical notes

Resonance therapy using resonant frequencies, corresponding to musical notes

AUTHORS : Bobrov I.A. | Mkhitaryan K.N.

YEAR : 2006


The use of resonant frequencies (RF) is becoming increasingly important in the process of bio- and multi-resonance therapy. At the same time, the number of
RFs themselves is becoming more and more. Attention is drawn to the fact that the bulk of such frequencies are narrowly targeted and correspond to a specific organ
or process. Less often, RFs correspond to any system, however, in this case, the system is chosen quite arbitrarily, and, accordingly, its interactions with other
systems and the organism itself are not described. All the factors described above complicate the process of selecting and using RF, requiring control in the process
of their application in many ways.



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