Traditions of Indian Culture and Music Therapy

Traditions of Indian Culture and Music Therapy

AUTHORS : Shushardzhan S.V. | Pushkina O.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : International Academy of Integrative Medicine, Scientific Center for Music Therapy and Medical-Acoustic Technologies
of the Russian Scientific Center for Computer Science and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,
Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2005


India is a country of one of the most ancient and distinctive cultures, which has left the modern civilization with priceless examples of human thought in various
branches of medicine, philosophy, religion and art. All the knowledge of ancient India is concentrated in the sacred Indian
scriptures, the Vedas, according to which the creation of the world began with the primordial sound “Om” that appeared at the moment of separation of the Garden of
Shiva – the almighty god – and his creative, creative energy. At the beginning of the creation of mankind, the language that we have now
did not exist, but only music. Indian musicologists also believe that at first a person expressed his thoughts and feelings in low or high, short or long sounds. The
depth of his timbre spoke of strength and power, and the pitch expressed love and



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