Complex application of acupuncture, homeopathic, bioresonance and manual therapy in the treatment of obstetric postpartum complications

Complex application of acupuncture, homeopathic, bioresonance and manual therapy in the treatment of obstetric postpartum complications

AUTHORS : Nikitina N.S. | Pechnikova E.Yu.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical and psychological center “Family +”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2005


Postpartum inflammatory diseases remain actual the problem of obstetrics. In modern conditions, “blurred” pictures of diseases are
not uncommon. Subinvolution of the uterus, endomyometritis without vivid clinical manifestations (no temperature reaction and chills, significant changes in
hematological parameters) are often accompanied by bleeding of varying severity. The usual management of such patients includes vacuum aspiration and
lavage of the uterine cavity with solutions of antiseptics and antibiotics, early prescription of broad-spectrum antibiotics, as a rule, at least two antibiotics in
maximum doses taking into account the sensitivity of microflora, immunomodulators, vitamins (“Obstetrics” edited by G. M. Saveleva, Moscow,
Medicine, 2000).



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