Experience of using ART and BRT in the treatment of psoriasis

Experience of using ART and BRT in the treatment of psoriasis

AUTHORS : Fedorovskaya I.V. | Eliseeva O.I.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Eliseeva Methodological Center”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2005


Psoriasis is a chronic disease prone to frequent relapses that affects the skin, nails, joints, mucous membranes. It occurs at any age, is considered noncontagious
(non-infectious). It differs in a wave-like current, seasonality is usually pronounced: worsening in winter with significant improvement in summer (winter
type), less often – vice versa (summer type). Etiology – the question is still open. Psoriasis is considered a multifactorial
disease. The most common theories are:



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