“An example of diagnosis and treatment of complicated peptic ulcer disease according to the method of Professor A.A. Hovsepyan using the apparatus “MINI-EXPERT-D

An example of diagnosis and treatment of complicated peptic ulcer disease according to the method of Professor A.A. Hovsepyan using the apparatus “MINI-EXPERT-D

AUTHORS : Marcinechko S.V. | Bessarabov O.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Treatment and Diagnostic Center “Medicine of the Future”, Kaliningrad, Russia
YEAR : 2005


Patient S., 28 years old. Suffering from duodenal ulcer for the last 6 years, the manifestation of which is frequent exacerbations complicated by bleeding.
In September 2000, according to urgent indications, the duodenal ulcer was excised, pyloroplasty, and the posterior wall ulcer was sutured. Despite the
traditional anti-relapse therapy, the development of peptic ulcer disease progressed. On October 22, 2004, the patient was again admitted to the hospital with
complaints of general weakness, dizziness, black liquid stools.
Diagnosis: ulcer (2) of the duodenal bulb, gastrointestinal bleeding.



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