Vegetative resonance test as a method of psychological diagnostics military personnel who abuse psychoactive substances and requiring dynamic monitoring

Vegetative resonance test as a method of psychological diagnostics military personnel who abuse psychoactive substances and requiring dynamic monitoring

AUTHORS : Kruk V.M. | Endrzhievsky A.A. | Schwab N.F.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Military University, Main Directorate of Educational Work of the RF Armed Forces, St.
Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2005 | Category : Data

The military psychologist performs a wide range of practical tasks, many of which are extraordinary and require prompt solutions. Among them, an important place is given to psychodiagnostics of factors of reliability, mental health of military personnel and civilian personnel that are significant according to the indications of military service: the ability to perform professional duties in the required volume and conditions, nervous mental habits and problems, troubles, etc.

stability, burden degree of susceptibility to psychosomatic negative social In this list, according to the drug situation in the country, the issues of countering the spread of drugs, identifying and dynamically tracking persons predisposed to personality disorders with experience of substance abuse (PAS) are especially relevant. By order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 440 (1998), their decision was attributed to the joint competence of educational work and the medical service. In the late 1990s – early 2000s, the Main Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, together with the IMEDIS Center, developed and tested the “IMEDIS-TEST” for detecting surfactants, the hardware of which, since 2003, began to be equipped with assembly points of military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and military medical institutions.


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