Application of methods of energy-informational medicine in diagnostics and complex treatment of patients with chronic osteomyelitis


Application of methods of energy-informational medicine in diagnostics and complex treatment of patients with chronic osteomyelitis

AUTHORS : Chilingirov R.Kh. | Eremin A.V. | Petritskaya E.N. | Abaeva L.F.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MONIKI named after M.F. Vladimirsky, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2005 | Category : Method of Treatment

Treatment of patients with acute and chronic osteomyelitis remains one of the urgent problems in purulent surgery. If in the acute stage of hematogenous and post-traumatic or postoperative osteomyelitis (OM) there are significant pathogenetic differences depending on the primary or secondary development of bone necrosis and purulent infection, then at the late stage of chronic OM these differences are leveled.

The nature of the process is determined by the development of sequestration of bone tissue, the presence of purulent cavities, spread to the surrounding soft tissues and the formation of fistulous passages. These factors are the main reason for the recurrent course of chronic OM. A special group is made up of patients with postoperative chronic OM developing after arthroplasty of large joints (more often of the hip joint) with severe dystrophic lesions.

Purulent inflammatory processes after these highly traumatic operations with large blood loss are caused, in particular, by the direct negative effect of the endoprosthesis on the bone and surrounding soft tissues. This leads to the development of edema in the area of the prosthetic joint, bone resorption, purulent streaks around the neck of the endoprosthesis and in the soft tissues of the thigh.

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