Post-isometric muscle relaxation in complex rehabilitation spastic forms of cerebral palsy

Post-isometric muscle relaxation in complex rehabilitation spastic forms of cerebral palsy

AUTHORS :  Liev A.A. |  Kanukova Z.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Department of Vertebroneurology with the course of manual medicine in Stavropol
State Medical Academy, Kislovodsk
YEAR : 2005


Recent years have been marked by the increased interest of chiropractors in the problem of rehabilitation treatment of infantile cerebral palsy (CP), which does
not lose its medical and social significance. There have appeared a lot of works showing the beneficial effect of manual therapy (MT) on the state of motor
functions in patients with cerebral palsy [1; 2; 3]. MT is a pathogenetically grounded and justified method for this pathology. Since the clinical and
neurological manifestations of cerebral palsy are not associated with disturbances in the relationships between the elements of the spinal column, it is obvious that
the techniques of intense “jolt” impact, i.e. “manipulation” itself does not make
sense [2; 4; 5].



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