Treatment of acute pancreatitis with BRT

Treatment of acute pancreatitis with BRT

AUTHORS : Parkhisenko Yu.A. | Gustomesova V.I. | Mazurenko T.S.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Regional Clinical Hospital, Voronezh, Russia
YEAR : 2005 | Category : Method of Treatment

A number of factors play a role in the development of acute pancreatitis (OP) – biliary, toxic, trauma, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, drug exposure, viral and bacterial infections, metabolic disorders, etc. As a result, intrapancreatic activation of pancreatic enzymes occurs. The ingress of enzymes into the interstitium of the organ causes edema, vascular compression and secondary ischemia of the pancreas.

The impact of activated pancreatic enzymes are not only local, but also systemic in nature with damage to the myocardium, lungs, central nervous system, liver and kidneys, serous membranes. DIC often develops. Therapeutic tactics for acute pancreatitis depends on the form of the disease, the presence of complications, the severity of endotoxicosis and organ failure.

Obligate components of intensive treatment are the creation of functional rest for the pancreas, the fight against pain and neurovegetative disorders, infusion correction of homeostasis disorders, detoxification therapy, prevention of treatment of complications, immunocorrection, etc. However, the application of the listed measures does not always lead to the desired results. In this regard, in the scientific literature and medical practice, there is a constant search for new methods of treating acute pancreatitis.

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