Study of individual time and individual space (spatio-temporal organization) in patients with discirculatory encephalopathy

Study of individual time and individual space (spatio-temporal organization) in patients with discirculatory encephalopathy

AUTHORS : Efankina O. N. | Bobrovskaya A. N. 

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Polyclinic No. 167, Department of Homeopathy and Elenctropuncture Medicine of
the Institute for Advanced Studies FU MEDBIOEXTREM MZ, Moscow,
YEAR : 2004


In recent years, clinicians have become interested in studying the general biological aspects of the human body in order to adequately assess the patient’s
condition and search for the most effective treatment. In particular, they began to study the state of health reserves, the adaptive capabilities of both healthy and sick
people. An attempt in biology to objectify internal time and internal space seems interesting. For the first time, the idea of a unified spatio-temporal organization of biological systems organism was put forward in 1985 by Yu.A. Romanov with colleagues, and then confirmed by numerous works in experiments on animals and tests in humans
(Yu.A. Romanov et al., 1989, 1994, 1998, 2001). It has been shown that the spatiotemporal
organization- it is not a simple sum of properties inherent separately,
both temporal and spatial organizations, but has its own characteristics.



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