The use of BRT in the complex treatment of patients with genital endometriosis (preliminary results)

The use of BRT in the complex treatment of patients with genital endometriosis (preliminary results)

AUTHORS : Kasimova G.Sh. | Ermina E.L.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Homeopathic Center, Kirov, Russia
YEAR : 2004 | Category : Type of Application

In the last decade, there has been a steady increase in genital endometriosis around the world, and this disease has rightfully been attributed to the new disease of civilization. According to autopsy data, genital endometriosis is found in 53% of cases. However, only every 4th patient presents complaints characteristic of this disease. Until now, despite numerous studies by scientists, this disease remains the most mysterious for the reasons for its occurrence and pathogenetic development.

Currently, there are 15 main theories of the occurrence of endometriosis. The most preferred theory is immunological. This theory views genital endometriosis as an autoimmune disease. Pathology concerns the connective tissue, which performs the corrective function of the epithelium.

As a result of damage to the connective tissue, the endometrium begins to grow into the thickness of the myometrium, forming ectopic foci. Triggering factors can be manipulations such as: abortion, diagnostic curettage, diathermocoagulation. A very important role in the development of genital endometriosis is played by chronic urogenital infections, and, in particular, herpes simplex type 2.

The essence of the disease is the presence of heterotopic foci. Features of the development of the disease: – lack of a connective tissue capsule; – infiltrative ability metastasis; – relapses after surgery. growth and hematogenous The clinical picture is diverse in terms of complaints and the severity of certain symptoms. An interesting fact is noted – there is no direct connection between the clinical picture and the severity of genital endometriosis.

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