The use of information-wave therapy methods in diagnostics and treatment of pathological forms of attraction

The use of information-wave therapy methods in diagnostics and treatment of pathological forms of attraction

AUTHORS : Tsyrulnikov G.V. | Mikhelson B.N. | Levikov O.E.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical Center “Nakhshon”, Tel Aviv, Israel
YEAR : 2004 | Category : Type of Application

The actual problem of modern medicine is the recognition of the causes and treatment of pathological forms of attraction. This mainly relates to the treatment of pathological mental addiction to drugs and alcohol. As it turned out, the main task of successfully recognizing the causes of pathological attraction to these substances and treating this contingent of patients is to identify provoking psychosocial factors; damage to the neurotransmitter mechanisms of the central nervous and endocrine systems.

Currently, the narcological service does not have the technical means to investigate the functional reserves of specific parts of the central nervous system and, therefore, to assess the extent of these injuries against the background of prolonged drug and alcohol use. The emergence of informationwave medicine, as a new branch of science, has created the prerequisites for a new (non-invasive) assessment of the state of vital systems, both at the level of the whole organism and at the level of individual organs, tissues and cells.

This made it possible to approach the creation of unique methods of information-wave diagnostics based on the interaction of external superweak electrical impulses, modulated by signals from specially selected biological and chemical preparations. This method became known as information wave therapy (IWT).

The main features of the IWT are:

– harmlessness to the body, physiological nature of the method “electromagnetic homeopathy”;

– “intelligence” of a living organism, capable of choosing a therapeutic signal that is useful for itself, if necessary.

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