Clinical experience of FLOWERPLEX ROY MARTINA, Bach Flowers and ROSTOK essences in the treatment of obsessive phobic conditions

Clinical experience of FLOWERPLEX ROY MARTINA, Bach Flowers and ROSTOK essences in the treatment of obsessive phobic conditions

AUTHORS : Kosareva L.B. | Avanesova E.G. | Gotovsky Yu.V. | Avanesova T.S.

YEAR : 2004 | Category : Method of Treatment

In our clinical practice, we often encounter such phenomena in our patients as fears (phobias) and obsessions (obsessions). Fears can be very diverse (heights, depths, loneliness, closed spaces), but the most common phobias include the fear of getting sick, the fear of death. Such patients are of an anxious and suspicious type, they are often haunted by unaccountable fear and worries about loved ones, they are tormented by a constant state of anxiety and anxiety, insomnia, nightmares. In addition to the obsessive (“Mental chewing gum” or “mental and obsessive actions.

In order not to dwell in detail on specific psychiatric categories, let’s just say that one of the types of obsessions can be obsessive rituals. Rituals are distinguished by the type of direct protection (a person who is afraid of contracting an infection washes his hands every 5 minutes) and by the type of indirect protection (for example, on the way to work, you need to climb the stairs, stepping only on odd steps, but on even ones, if this is observed – nothing bad will happen).

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