Some remarks on the doctor’s tactics in identifying geopathogenic load

Some remarks on the doctor’s tactics in identifying geopathogenic load

AUTHORS : Fedorova V.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Eliseeva Methodological Center”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Educational

In our medical center, various methods of cleansing the body and various drainaMore than once, young doctors, having diagnosed a severe chronic patient using the method of autonomic resonance test (ART), thought about the toppriority recommendations in such difficult cases. The answer is unequivocal – by all means, first remove geopathogenic, electromagnetic or the patient’s radioactive load.

In all cases of severe disorders of the somatic sphere, we found geopathogenic load (HPN) or its combination with electromagnetic (less often – with radioactive) load. If a person is in a geopathogenic zone, and an ordinary household appliance (TV, refrigerator, etc.) is working in the same room, then the effect of the geopathogenic zone on a living organism increases, which is clearly seen in ART. Such cumulative adverse effects should be clearly communicated to the patient. Geopathogenic zones expand in spring and autumn (this resembles the ebb and flow).

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