Diagnostic searches in everyday medical practice

Diagnostic searches in everyday medical practice

AUTHORS : Fedorova V.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Eliseeva Methodological Center”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Data

The future of full-fledged medical admission is in the integration of all medical research. The foundation is still a conscientious (according to all the canons of propaedeutics) medical examination of a patient with an analysis of all deviations in his state of health. I would like to emphasize that it is the analysis of the patient’s wellbeing, and not of the previous conclusions-cliches: “vegetative-vascular dystonia”, “Osteochondrosis”, “encephalopathy”, etc., which are quite acceptable and convenient as a generally accepted medical language, but do not allow assessing individual patient characteristics.

Certainly in diagnostic search are used data instrumental research. The next diagnostic step is the conclusions of the IMEDIS expert system, in the use of which one would like to emphasize the usefulness in combination with the simplicity of performing segmental diagnostics, which allows one to assess the body as a whole and by particular organ changes.

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