ART in the diagnosis of multiple primary cancer. Anisakiasis

ART in the diagnosis of multiple primary cancer. Anisakiasis

AUTHORS : Eliseeva O.I.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : “Eliseeva Methodological Center”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Type of Application

The causative agent of anisakiasis – larval stages of anisakids – nematodes Anisakis spp. The ultimate hosts of these nematodes are marine aquatic mammals (cetaceans and pinnipeds), fish-eating birds and predatory fish; intermediate hosts are aquatic invertebrates and fish, mainly herring and cod. The level of infestation of fish with anisakids is relatively high: in particular, herring in the Baltic Sea – about 30%, and in the North Sea – 55-100%.

Anisakida larvae are localized in the intestines of fish and migrate to their muscle tissue as soon as the fish stops living. A person becomes infected by eating raw or insufficiently cooked fish and aquatic invertebrates (squid, octopus, shrimp and other crustaceans and molluscs). Clinic and pathogenesis. Clinical manifestations of anisakiasis in humans are caused by an eosinophilic granuloma containing a 20–40 mm long helminth larva in the gastrointestinal tract, usually in the stomach and small intestine.

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