Correction of violations with homeopathic preparations of conflict situations

Correction of violations with homeopathic preparations of conflict situations

AUTHORS : Bokova I.A. | Kuznetsova O.Yu.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Medicine and Balneology, Ministry of Health RF, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Educational

The aim of the study was to identify the typical style of responding to an artificially created psychological conflict (role-playing games of Shaw and Wohlking categories – it was supposed to consider situations consisting of a number of small problems that can be solved by taking appropriate steps or procedures): tasks on “Understanding”, “discipleship”, “intelligence”, “creativity”, “technologization” – Davidson and Gordon (1978), Bond (Bond, 1986) and Brandes (Brandes, 1979); Dominion – K. Thomas and R. Killman; “Fear”, “emotions” – D. Scott; “Reflection” – Shaw.

The study involved 580 outpatients of both sexes aged 57 to 85 years. To control the initial functional state of the body, the influence of a conflict situation (psychological conflict) and the selection of a homeopathic drug that corrects the effect of this situation, used method Voll (EPF), which picked up a drug, restoring EAP indicators, worsened after stressful conflict situation.

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