Study of the relationship between indicators of electrical resistance and mechanical pressure in electropuncture diagnostics according to R. Voll

Determination of the difference in one component in complex homeopathic preparations using drug testing according to R. Voll’s method

AUTHORS : Koroleva N.A. | Yanovsky O.G. | Gotovsky Yu.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Medicine and Balneology Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Research

In electropunctural diagnostics according to R. Voll (EPF), one of the most urgent is the question of the dependence of electropunctural indicators on the pressure force of the active electrode on the measurement point (TI). Despite a number of studies that have shown the absence of changes in electrical resistance in a fairly wide range of applied pressure, the opposite opinions are given in personal messages.

The aim of the presented work is to study the relationship between the indicators of electrical resistance and mechanical pressure in the SME. The EPF was carried out using the EXPERT-FALL hardware and software complex (IMEDIS, Russia), equipped with a pressure sensor, which allows discretely, with a step of 50 g, to determine the pressure force from 0 to 400 g simultaneously with the removal of electrical indicators.

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Determination of linear correlation between indicators of electropuncture diagnostics according to R. Voll and computerized pulse diagnostics
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Determination of the difference in one component in complex homeopathic preparations using drug testing according to R. Voll’s method
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