Application of multiresonance therapyin a patient with incurable surgical pathology

Application of multiresonance therapyin a patient with incurable surgical pathology

AUTHORS : Leskin G.S. | Gotovsky Yu.V. | Druzyuk E.Z. | Petritskaya E.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MONIKI them. M.F. Vladimirsky,Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Type of Application

Bioresonance and multiresonance therapy in surgical practice is still used relatively rarely, mainly in inflammatory processes of various localization, for example, in chronic hematogenous osteomyelitis, panaritium, etc., as we reported in the materials of previous conferences. The main factor in the limited use of multiresonance therapy in surgical patients is the lack of awareness of doctors and the traditional cautious attitude towards any new alternative methods of treatment.

The purpose of this report is to show the potential possibilities of multiresonance therapy in a patient with severe pathology and exhausted possibilities of surgical treatment. Patient K., 11 years old, in August 2001, was admitted to the children’s surgical department of MONIKI to perform the next relaparotomy for intestinal obstruction. From the anamnesis it is known that the child from birth suffers from constipation up to 2-3 days, at the age of 5 years, during hospitalization for coprostasis, megacolon was revealed.

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