Treatment of humeral-scapular periarthritis using induction magnetotherapy in fixed frequencies of the physiological range

Treatment of humeral-scapular periarthritis using induction magnetotherapy in fixed frequencies of the physiological range

AUTHORS : Bobrovskaya A.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Federal Administration MEDBIOEXTREM, Clinical Hospital No. 83, Chief Physician Matveev G.N., Department of Homeopathy and Electropuncture medicine, head. Department Zhuravlev V.I., Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Method of Treatment

Periarthritis or shoulder-scapular syndrome is currently considered within the framework of the manifestations of the degenerative process of the spine, i.e. osteochondrosis. The clinical picture of humeroscapular periarthritis consists of pain symptoms and limited mobility in the shoulder joint. The pain often bothers the patient at night, is localized in the shoulder joint and radiates down the arm or neck.

The increasing stiffness in the shoulder joint is characterized by severe pain when the arm is moved to the side and when trying to lay it behind the back. Over time, muscle atrophy and wrinkling of the articular capsule occur, due to which the patient cannot raise his arm above the horizontal. This is facilitated by the patient’s constant desire to spare the sore hand. Radiographically, local osteoporosis is often found, and in the later stages – the phenomenon of arthrosis of the shoulder joint.

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