Some promising technologies in reflexology

Some promising technologies in reflexology

AUTHORS : Meizerov HER. | Koroleva M.V. | Gurov A.A. | Budnikov Yu.F.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Institute of Reflexology of the Federal Scientific Clinical and Experimental Center of Traditional methods of diagnosis and treatment of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow
YEAR : 2003


Since the second half of the 20th century, traditional acupuncture (zhen-chiu therapy) has gradually
transformed into a wide variety of reflexology methods that have received modern scientific substantiation and
require new hardware to be executed. Various methods are currently widely used in medical practice and are
being improved [2, 5, 9, 12].
Dynamic electroneurostimulation (DENS) is a further development of traditional methods of reflexology.
The method consists in exposing acupuncture zones and points with short current pulses, the shape of which is
sensitive to changes in the impedance characteristics in the subelectrode area of the skin.



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