Experience in the use of resonance-frequency, induction therapy in the frequencies of the biorhythms of the brain in obstetric practice

Experience in the use of resonance-frequency, induction therapy in the frequencies of the biorhythms of the brain in obstetric practice

AUTHORS : Podgornaya V.N.

YEAR : 2002 | Category : Type of application

In order to relieve emotional stress, fatigue and pain during childbirth, induction electromagnetic therapy was used in 6 cases for women in labor: programs of short-term rest (No. 19), rest (No. 5), relieving spasms (No. 11), pain relief (No. 29). This made it possible to significantly reduce the duration of labor, both the opening period and the forced labor, practically eliminate the pain syndrome.

In no case was there a weakness in labor. It should be noted that along with the above, in all cases, the method of water delivery was applied. We believe that in one case, therapy made it possible to avoid a planned cesarean section in a woman in labor with a scar on the uterus after cesarean section in the 1st birth. Birth of healthy strong newborns latching on to the mother’s breast.

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