An integrated approach to compiling a balanced diet taking into account the state of the main systems and energy interconnections

An integrated approach to compiling a balanced diet taking into account the state of the main systems and energy interconnections

AUTHORS : Tikhonova I.S. | Fedorenko S.I.

YEAR : 2002 | Category : Educational

Our food substances must be a remedy, and our remedy must be a food substance … Hippocrates

The development of the disease is associated with complex processes in the human body. In Chinese medicine, this whole complex of causes of diseases is subsumed under the general concept of “imbalance between yin and yang.” This can take place both due to factors acting on the body from the outside, and also from the inside from disruption of normal body functions.

A characteristic feature of the modern era adverse factors affecting the body, damaging agents, including ionizing radiation, is an human: extraordinary natural conditions, external manifold toxic substances, unbalanced food, etc. Lack of nutrition leads to disruption of homeostasis, metabolism, is the cause of the development of obesity, malnutrition, contributes to the development of various diseases.

The infection, in turn, has a negative effect on nutritional value, disrupting the processes of absorption, metabolism and utilization of nutrients.

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