Diagnostic capabilities and therapeutic use of TEST-preparations of amino acids

Diagnostic capabilities and therapeutic use of TEST-preparations of amino acids

AUTHORS : Gritsenko E.G. | Gritsenko A.G.

YEAR : 2002 | Category : Educational

Amino acids, being the main structural and functional unit of protein metabolism, are of great interest for practical use in diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Substance-material preparations are used in medical practice. amino acids long ago and widely Homeopathic amino acid test preparations were created by American kinesiologists and are successfully used to assess biochemical disorders during kinesiological testing.

To correct the revealed violations, they use all the same material-material preparations of amino acids or food additives containing them. This simple method can also be adopted by doctors practicing the ART method. We made an attempt to study the diagnostic and therapeutic potential of electronic copies of amino acids. We tested these drugs in various pathological conditions and clinically compared them with literature data on the manifestations of deficiency or excess of found amino acids (Tables 1, 2).

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