Application of new technologies in the rehabilitation of premature babies

Application of new technologies in the rehabilitation of premature babies

AUTHORS : Mikhailova N.T.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical center “BABUR”, director I. V. Ivanenko, Yekaterinburg, Russia
YEAR : 2002 | Category : Type of application

The frequency of premature births, according to the literature, is 5–8% of all births. It has long been known that low birth weight babies have a high mortality rate and a significant incidence of neurological complications. Many researchers note that more than 50% of cases of children with cerebral palsy were born with low body weight, among them were predominantly immature children in relation to the time of their birth.

Expressed motor, speech and mental disorders are difficult to correct and often cause severe disability. Therefore, any new technologies that can be used in rehabilitation premature babies deserve attention. In the medical center “BABUR” the main methods therapy treating children are bioresonance homeopathic remedies. and multiresonant withselection

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