Study of the informative capabilities of the Voll method in the study of recovery body after physical exertion

Study of the informative capabilities of the Voll method in the study of recovery body after physical exertion

AUTHORS : Sergeev A.V. | Lukhvich Vad.V. | Lukhvich Vit.V. | Lukhvich V.M.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M. Tank, Minsk, Belarus
YEAR : 2002 | Category : Educational

When going in for physical culture and sports, the effective organization of the training process is of great importance, which makes it possible to improve sports results and bring an athlete to responsible competitions in an optimal functional state. To do this, it is necessary to have methods and equipment that allow for express-analysis of the functional state of the body (FSO) of athletes. It is known [1] that PSO is due to the well-coordinated interaction of various biological systems of the body, due to the presence in the body of control systems of various nature, the control signals for which can be:

– material (concentration of chemicals and hormones in the blood);
– energy (light, sound);
– informational (commands, meaning of words, phrases). Any FSO has three types of management:
– slowly acting, due to real signals with a time constant equal to hours;
– average, caused by energy signals with a time constant equal to minutes;
– high-speed, carried by information signals with a time constant equal to seconds.

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