The role of reflexology, homeopathy, bioresonance, multiresonance therapy and microgenerator informotherapy in the formation and development of information technology systems for practical medicine

The role of reflexology, homeopathy, bioresonance, multiresonance therapy and microgenerator informotherapy in the formation and development of information technology systems for practical medicine

AUTHORS : Skrypnyuk Z.D. | Levykh V.Ya.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Research Institute of Informotherapy, Kiev, Ukraine
YEAR : 2001 | Category : Research

Recently, many of the fundamental substance researchers have concluded that the human body is necessary for maintenance of normal vital functions (“Chi” or “Prana”) and the “life force” – the “soul” of homeopathic medicines is information (Skrypnyuk, 1989, 1994, Krylov, Pesonina, Krylova, 1997, Komissarenko, Salycheva, 2000, etc.) … These researchers came to the conclusion that information acts as a remedy in reflexology and homeopathy. Yu.V. Gotovsky et al. (1996), Z.D. Skrypnyuk (1999) believe that information is the main remedy for bioresonance and multiresonance therapy.

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