What is Homeopathy? Hahnemann-Neumann computer model (Software regulation)

What is Homeopathy? Hahnemann-Neumann computer model (Software regulation)

AUTHORS : Neiman B.A.  | Mikryukova L.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Academy of Life Preservation Problems, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2001 | Category : Educational

What is the connection between ancient “antiscientific” computers and modern medicine? homeopathy, BRT, The purpose of our work to show that the usual ideas are often not the best, and the new can be seen in the incomprehensible “old”, and if the ideas created by genius predecessors are placed on modern soil, then you can get a giant leap in development. Homeopathy for most doctors, scientists and just patients is associated with small doses, the “law of similarity”, herbal treatment, “natural” products and other signs that are present in it, but do not determine its essence.

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