An example of myocardial infarction treatment

An example of myocardial infarction treatment

AUTHORS : Yankova L.B.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Sasovo, Ryazan region, Russia
YEAR : 2001 | Category : Case Study

On December 29, 2000, in the presence of three doctors, the patient was examined about complaints of pain under the left shoulder blade, shortness of breath, extrasystole. Pain for 2 weeks at rest, aggravated by movement. A similar condition was already 4 years ago after a mental trauma. The pain lasted for several months. The patient did not seek medical help. Examination by the method of vegetative resonance test (ART) on the hardware-software complex (APC) “IMEDIS-FALL” revealed: myocardial necrosis D16 of the left ventricle, myocardial scar D60.

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