Treatment of mastopathy using R. Voll’s method and bioresonance therapy

Treatment of mastopathy using R. Voll’s method and bioresonance therapy

AUTHORS : Dontsov E.S. | Kumantsova I.E.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Chertkovskaya CRH of the Rostov region, Rostov regional medical physical culture dispensary, Chertkovo village, Russia
YEAR : 2001 | Category : Method of treatment

Mastopathy refers to neurodystrophic processes that occur with a violation of the tone of the ducts of the mammary glands and with elements of concomitant inflammation. Mastopathy is a butt pathology, therefore, patients with this disease are treated by doctors of many specialties (gynecologists, surgeons, neuropathologists, endocrinologists, oncologists, mammologists). Since mastopathy is included in the group of precancerous diseases, the attitude towards it should be serious.

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