Possibilities of using segmental and specific diagnostics for hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome

Possibilities of using segmental and specific diagnostics for hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome

AUTHORS : Ryabov V.I. | Chernetsova L.V. | Kamenshchikova T.M.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Izhevsk, Udmurtia, Russia
YEAR : 2001 | Category : Educational

With the help of the hardware-software complex “IMEDIS-FALL” measurements of the electrical parameters of the skin zones interconnected with certain organs and systems of the body were carried out in patients with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS). We examined 41 patients aged 15–20 years, mostly men (88%). The disease was mild in 2 patients, moderate in 30, and severe in 9. On days 5–12 from the onset of the disease, according to the data of the segmental bioelectronic functional diagnostics, we found a clear predominance of hypoergy (86.7%) and parasympathicotonia (86.7%), the presence of immunodeficiency (73.3%), weak and blocked type of regulation (80%).

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