The results of the use of exogenous bioresonance therapy in patients neurogenic diseases of the maxillofacial region

The results of the use of exogenous bioresonance therapy in patients neurogenic diseases of the maxillofacial region

AUTHORS : Orlov M.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Stavropol State Medical Academy, Department of Therapeutic Dentistry No. 1, Stavropol, Russia
YEAR : 2001 | Category : Type of application

Treatment of neurogenic diseases of the maxillofacial region continues to be an unsolved problem. This is due to the complexity of the proposed therapy methods, the use of a large number of medicines, painful procedures with insufficient effectiveness. An important point remains the difficulty of determining the etiological factors of this pathology. There are reports in the literature on the use of physiotherapy methods for relieving pain of various origin. However, as a rule, the effect of physiotherapy is in the nature of symptomatic treatment and does not completely cure the disease.

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