The relationship of mythology, archetypes of human behavior and chronosemantic diagnostics and therapy by mantic points

The relationship of mythology, archetypes of human behavior and chronosemantic diagnostics and therapy by mantic points

AUTHORS : Keisha I.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : State Center for Medical Genetics, “Medical Center of Dr. Keishi “, Riga, Latvia
YEAR : 2001 | Category : Educational

On this topic, I was prompted, in fact, a personal resentment. The child is that my “pride” was hurt by the hints of my colleagues that every civilized person should have an idea of mythology and history. To be honest, I have never liked history, believing that there is no need to load my brain with “impractical” things. And where is the truth in this story, and where is the fiction?

But for some reason the reproach for ignorance of mythology touched me. I even remembered that Jung seemed to be talking about the possibility of creating archetypes of human behavior based on the behavior of mythical gods. As a result, I started studying Greek mythology and the further I read, the more I learned in the description of the adventures of individual gods and goddesses the events of my life.

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