Medicines used before and during pregnancy as well as during childbirth, can affect the further health of the child

Some additional aspects of treatment children with Down’s disease, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

AUTHORS : Keisha I.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : State Center for Medical Genetics, “Medical Center of Dr. Keishi “, Riga, Latvia
YEAR : 2001 | Category : Educational

Often the old and a little forgotten helps us. So it was with me. Great difficulties in treatment were given to me by a group of children of different ages, who were found to have: symptoms of severe sympathicotopy, hypoglycemia, nephropathy, retinopathy, appetite disorders, frequent purulent inflammation, intrauterine obesity, which increased after birth, polyneuropathy, myopathy of unknown etiology, fatigue, skin changes, memory impairment, angioneurosis, vasculitis. They did not give a lasting cure, and here I was helped by chance.

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Some additional aspects of treatment children with Down’s disease, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
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