Features of the application and development of software OMEVM on the example of medical devices of the company “IMEDIS”

Features of the application and development of software OMEVM on the example of medical devices of the company “IMEDIS”

AUTHORS : Matyushin A.O.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Post-graduate student of MPEI, VMSS department, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2000 | Category : Informative


Currently, when solving a huge number of problems, single-chip micro-computers (OMcomputers) and microcontrollers are widely used. Microcontrollers are systems built into the user’s equipment and designed to control this equipment in real time [1]. Unlike conventional microprocessors, for which external interface circuits are required, not only the microprocessor itself is located in one OM-computer or microcontroller case, but also constant and random access memory, additional functional units (modules) – a clock generator, timers, inputoutput ports , interrupt controller, digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters.

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