Electro-puncture diagnostics of bronchopulmonary diseases in children

Electro-puncture diagnostics of bronchopulmonary diseases in children

AUTHORS : Dmitrieva T.N. | Savenkov M.P. | Sotnikova D.A. | Savenkova M.S.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Russian State Medical University, Moscow
YEAR : 1999 | Category : Educational

Bronchopulmonary pathology, due to its significant prevalence, recurrent course and high mortality, remains the most urgent problem in pediatrics. Diseases of the lungs are often accompanied by severe disturbances in the function of external respiration, which requires adequate instrumental control during active drug therapy. Unfortunately, traditional apparatus methods for assessing the function of external respiration (FVF) are still little used in pediatric practice due to the impossibility, especially in children of early age, perform forced breathing to synchronize breathing when conducting a diagnostic study.

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