Some patterns of the causes of the disease and their possibilities eliminating

Some patterns of the causes of the disease and their possibilities eliminating

AUTHORS : Yankova L.B.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Ryazan region, Sasovo, Russia
YEAR : 1999 | Category : Educational

By my main specialty I am a neuropathologist. In the treatment I use: bioresonance therapy (BRT), color therapy, homeopathic remedies, organopreparations, nosodes, meridian complex preparations, complexones of foreign companies, sometimes manual therapy. In diagnostics I use electropuncture according to R. Voll’s method, vegetative resonance test (ART), iridology and all the classic techniques. For 30 years of clinical work, I noticed the first and main regularity: you cannot cure the body without curing the soul. There is no need to prove this truth, all thinking people knew and know it.

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