“IMEDIS TEST” and bioresonance therapy in the diagnosis and treatment of diffuse euthyroid goiter

“IMEDIS TEST” and bioresonance therapy in the diagnosis and treatment of diffuse euthyroid goiter

AUTHORS : Pirtskhalava T.G. | Papashvili L.L. | Turmanidze D.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : TSMU, Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Department of Homeopathy and EAF, Tbilisi, Georgia
YEAR : 1999 | Category : Type of application

Studying the issues of etiology, pathogenesis, prevention and treatment of diffuse euthyroid goiter (DEZ) in the Republic of Georgia is one of the priority areas. According to recent studies in various regions of the republic, diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland (TG) occurs in 45–87% of school-age children.

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